Oh, The Places You've Gone

And, The Current Course Bucket List

As of May 2023, I have played golf in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois, and Mexico.

A total of five courses in two countries.

I cut my teeth in middle school at the 9 hole course in my hometown of Mt. Lebanon, just outside of Pittsburgh. Then, “summered” at Bel Aire’s par three course in Wall, New Jersey.

Much to my dismay, I only recently discovered that Bel Aire was a par 3 course. I recall nearly having a birdie chance after nearly driving the green on the first hole. Somehow the revelation that the entire course consisted of par 3s lessened the achievement from my past.

Fairly certain I did record a par that hole.

A decade and change later, I’ve since played:

Bob O’Connor at Schenley Park - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Some time between 2011-2013

El Camaleón Mayakoba - Playa del Carmen, Mexico

July 2022

Sydney Marovitz - Chicago, Illinois

November 2022

A forthcoming blog post will detail the experience of returning to the sport at a LIV/PGA Tour course only to play a Chicago public course months later.

Teaser: the sand traps were very different.

Top Tier Bucket List

These are deathbed courses so much so that I might have to play at least four of them in the next year to feel good about life moving forward.

My life's been a circle of violence and degradation long as I can remember. I'm ready to tie it off.

Rust Cohle

Three of the seven in the next twelve months fortunately quite feasible.

St. Andrew’s


Besides the reasons that everyone else would give, St. Andrew’s holds a special place in my heart as it was a course I regularly played during my February to April sim-a-thon. I recorded my lowest score to date -5. Have to find out what my real world score would be.

Manasquan River Club

Manasquan, New Jersey

I took my first private lessons here. Such a thrill to drive by the hole with the fountain in the pond before entering the property. More importantly, those were very early days of the sport for me. Scoring a low number there would feel like my Nani, who purchased by first iron set and cart bag, was watching over me.

Although it is available as a playable course at Five Iron, I never had the nerve as it was rated 3/5. I did take many on course practice shots.

Washington Duke Inn and Golf Course

Durham, North Carolina

My family spent two Thanksgivings at this hotel. Both were less than stellar holidays due to my own making. Demons must be exercised on the course. Another blog post for another time.

Payne’s Valley at Big Cedar

Hollister, Missouri

Younger me never would have guessed I would one day aspire to travel to the Ozarks. Then, that show came out. Then, I got interested in golf again. Then, I became aware of a certain hole.

The fact that Tiger is involved in this project is also important. For many my age, golf might not be something I participated in if he didn’t take over the sport when he did.

Tobacco Road

Sanford, North Carolina

I would describe the 19th hole at Payne Valley seems like a mini golf hole for adults. Tobacco Road seems like an entire mini golf course on all sorts of uppers and downers. Instead of a windmill, Tobacco Road features massive dunes from Normandy and stair cases to exist bunkers.

The website “vibe” is beyond what one would expect for a top notch course.


Noblesville, Indiana

I was completely aghast when I discovered there was not only a course called Purgatory but they embraced the course name in their branding.

My father grew up in Highland, Indiana which is northwest of Noblesville. My grandfather was the first family member I knew who played golf. My father didn’t.

I spent three years coaching lacrosse in Bloomington, Indiana. Consider Purgatory to be in the same revenge or redemption bucket as Duke.

***El Camaleón Mayakoba

Playa del Carmen, Mexico

This PGA and LIV Tour stop was the first course I played when I fully returned to the sport in July 2022. Most of the early Facebook video content is from this course.

The Grint App says 107. I was being very generous. Here’s another hacker hitting the rental clubs.

I must return as a more improved golfer and break 87.

Second Tier Bucket List

These courses I’d like to get to eventually. However, if you offered all them for free whenever I wanted at the cost of never being able to play a top tier course then I would say no.

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Greensboro, Georgia

The perfect fusion of golf and UGA football fandom. Full transparency, my grandfather ran track at UGA but no I didn’t adopt them as a preferred college football team until the past few seasons.

Four of the five courses are ranked in Georgia’s top ten. I’d be happy to play any of them while wearing my soon to be purchased Magnolia Golf Company visor.

Bonus revenge factor: My father used to work for the Pirates. Sid Bream can go to hell.


Nantucket, Massachusetts

One of the few 3/5 courses I courageously battled at Five Iron and I scored surprisingly well. I spent two summers working on Nantucket but at the time was not golfing.

Grand Bear

Saucier, Mississippi

Part of the research for this podcast involved diving further into the Deep South. This Jack Nicklaus signature design struck me for its forgiving fairway width and southern charm.

My only iron set I’ve ever owned are Nicklaus Air Max blades. Kudos to the New Jersey golf store attendant who let middle school me buy blades.

L.C. Boles

Wooster, Ohio

I attended the College of Wooster to play lacrosse. Injuries and poor decision making led me to transfer after two years. I recall at least walking this course with my teammates but I’m not certain I actually swung a stick.

It’s that kind of course. But very much like Washington Duke, I will one day return there to perform an exorcism on the entire county through this 9 hole course.

Oakmont Country Club

Oakmont, Pennsylvania

It would be inappropriate for a Pittsburgh native to not want to battle the church pews.

That Other Georgia Course

I didn’t officially include Augusta because I’m assuming it is impossible to play as a non member. If it is simply a matter of winning an auction to play a round then we’re redirecting my hypothetical kids college fund to winning said auction.

Community colleges have golf teams, right?

Fringe Bucket List

Erin Hills - Hartford, Wisconsin

Crooked Stick - Carmel, Indiana

Trump - Colts Neck, New Jersey and Charlotte, North Carolina

Banff Springs - Alberta, Canada

Black Water Links - Rumianek, Poland*

Cherokee Town and Country Club - Atlanta, Georgia*

Shangri La Resort - Afton, Oklahoma*

Golf Ybring - Studen, Switzerland*

*Five Iron revenge courses.

Club Membership Target

Cutter Creek

Snow Hill, North Carolina

In a few months I’ll be relocating from Chicago to Greenville, North Carolina. Cutter Creek’s website, membership pricing, and this Pat Bonds video hooked me.C